The Online Application Process

Note that this post mainly applies to those of you whose home university has a partnership with Chung Ang University, CAU (since I don't know how it is when you apply to CAU on your own). Having a partnership means that universities "exchange" their students by sending them away to their partner universities. Basically, once you apply for the nomination, your home university will nominate you (along with other students from your university) to CAU. This also makes the application process a bit easier since your university will be there to help you whenever you need it.

Here's what you should do before, during and after the application process: 

1. Nomination 

As I have mentioned above, you need to get nominated by your home university first before applying for CAU (obviously 😅). Once your coordinator has nominated you to CAU, they will eventually send you or your coordinator an email with CAU's English course list along with other relevant documents such as application procedure information, invitation letter etc.

2. Read through the course list and plan your studies

This is probably one of the most important thing to do before you apply for CAU, especially if you have mandatory courses that you have to take in order to graduate. Please take your time to look through the course list and pick out courses that you think can be credited with. Contact your director of studies and make a study plan as soon as possible!

Now here is something that you should know... If you are a business major or have business courses, note that CAU's business courses are limited for exchange students (there are only 7 seats available per business course). If you have mandatory business courses, there is a chance that you won't be able to take them once you're at CAU! This is because the courses are highly competitive and it's a first come first serve basis during the registration period (read my 'Course Registration' post for more information on this). Also make sure that your proposed major is in the College of Business & Economics since students in this major get a higher chance of getting into the business courses. Talk to your coordinator about this since they are the one who will nominate you.

You can get access to year 2019 course list here. If you want to get access to the course descriptions here is the link to CAU's search portal. It can take a while for the page to load so be patient. If you want to look for courses during the spring semester, choose semester 1, otherwise semester 2 for fall. Keep in mind that courses may vary from year to year. They may add in new courses or remove some, so make sure to have backup courses when planning your study plan.

3. Prepare the required documents for your online application.

Before filling out your online application, make sure to read the application procedure information that CAU has sent you to see what required documents you should provide in order to successfully submit your application. The required documents are:

  1. An official academic transcript from your home university. You can get this from your coordinator or the student center. 
  2. A digital copy of your passport.
  3. Financial statement. You can contact your bank or CSN (for swedish students) to get this certificate. If you're an exchange student, you need to have more than 12,000 USD in balance for one year or 6,000 USD for one semester. 
  4. Digital and colored passport-size (3.5cm x 4.5 cm) photo. I used this site to fix my photo and it worked great. 

All documents above should be in English. Regarding the financial statement, the balance should be in USD if your country's currency is otherwise.

3. Time to fill out the online application! 

Once you've had your study plan and the required documents figured out, it is time to fill out the online application!

Once the online application portal is open, you or your coordinator should have already received an email from CAU regarding your CAU ID and password for log in. You can't fill out the online application until you've received your ID and password. If you haven't received this email after the first date of the application period, contact your coordinator or CAU immediately since you have a deadline to meet.

Make sure to read through the instructions carefully when you fill out the application and double, triple and quadruple check your application before submitting it! 

4. Wait for the confirmation email from CAU

Now that you have submitted your application, the next step is to simply wait for an email from CAU, which should take about a week after the deadline. If your application was successfully submitted, CAU will send you an email regarding when you should apply for visa, dorms and other useful information. If you have not successfully submitted your application and it is past the deadline, you will get a second chance to submit it again (this happened to me because my application didn't go through for the first time for some reason 🤷🏻‍♀️). But do not take my word for it since I don't know if anybody else got a second chance so make sure to submit it before the deadline anyway!

If your application is not successfully submitted after the second try, CAU will withdraw your application. 

That's it for the application process! If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to contact me. To be honest, I was very anxious and stressed during this process due to the courses and the application that didn't go through (for some damn reason 🤦🏻‍♀️), but I'm glad that everything worked out in the end. You can always contact your coordinator or CAU if you have any trouble with your online application.

For more information about the online application, you can check out CAU's official blog here. Good luck!! 🤗


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